Nevada 2023-2024 Open Enrollment Period: Nov. 1 – Jan. 31

Open enrollment is when people can purchase health insurance for the upcoming year. During Open Enrollment, you can apply without a Qualifying Life Event.

When Is the Open Enrollment Period for Obamacare 2023-2024?

Open Enrollment for Nevada begins on November 1, 2023, and continues until January 31, 2024.

What if I want to apply and it’s not Open Enrollment?

graphic open enrollment

The only other way to buy an insurance plan outside of open enrollment is to qualify for special enrollment. This time frame is called the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). This exception allows you to apply for health insurance if you’ve had certain qualifying life events, such as:

  • Losing your job
  • Moving to a new state
  • Getting married or divorced
  • Becoming a widow or widower
  • Aging off your parent’s plan
  • Having a new baby

Note that you won’t be eligible for special enrollment if you lost your previous health plan because you failed to pay your monthly premiums or voluntarily canceled the coverage.

What Are Your Options During Open Enrollment?

Depending on your current situation, you have the following options.

  • Buy a plan through Nevada. You may want to buy a plan through the marketplace if you qualify for a tax credit to help offset your premiums. Qualifying usually depends on your income and household size. Your total household income must be between 128% and 400% of the federal poverty level, or FPL.
  • Renew or change your current plan. During the open enrollment period, you can renew your existing plan. You won’t have to do anything to keep what you have. But if your current plan is changing — for instance, your PCP is leaving the network, or your drugs aren’t on the list of included medications — then you may want to switch to a plan that best suits your current needs. If you need to change policies, the open enrollment period is the best time.
  • Enroll. If your income is below 128% of the Federal Poverty Level, you qualify for Medicaid for Nevadans.

Which Health Insurance Options Don’t Use Open Enrollment?

A graphic health insurance

Most health insurers in Nevada use some sort of open enrollment program. But there are a few exceptions:

  • CHIP: The Children’s Health Insurance Program doesn’t limit enrollment to a specific time, either.